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Arlene McCain


“Solstice”- from the Latin sol (“sun”) and sistere (“to stand still”). Occurs when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole and marks the longest or shortest day of the year for any place on Earth. The solstices mark either the beginning or the middle of summer and winter.

“Soul-stice” : a time when we can stand still with our souls and reflect on who we’re Be-ing as we’re Becom-ing.

We all walk between worlds. Most often, we walk between our lived reality and our internal mental world, full of self-doubt, self-criticism, and fear. But there’s another path… the walk between our lived reality and a universal connectedness, spaciousness, and timelessness that healthy spirituality points to – an Other way that no word is large enough to contain, but which we hint at when we speak of God.

Here, I offer deeply vulnerable words about the lived experience of my passionate love affair with God. My intention is not to seek advice, or feedback, or affirmation.

My intention is, rather, to give voice to the hidden reality that many of us already experience.

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